Shows only junction reads and can optionally show splicing variation across groups.
make_differential_splicing_plot( y, x = numeric(nrow(y)) + 1, exons_table = NULL, len = 500, length_transform = function(g) log(g + 1), main_title = NA, snp_pos = NA, summary_func = colMeans, legend_title = "Mean count" )
y | [samples] x [introns] matrix of counts |
x | [samples] vector of group membership. Can be numeric, factor or character. |
exons_table | An optional data frame specifying exons, with columns: chr start end strand gene_name. For hg19 see data/gencode19_exons.txt.gz |
len | Number of segments each curve is constructed from, controls smoothness. |
length_transform | Function controlling how true genomic space is mapped to the plot for improved visability. Use the identity function (i.e. function(g) g |
main_title | Title |
snp_pos | An optional list of SNP positions to mark |
summary_func | Function to summarize counts within groups: usually colMeans or colSums |
legend_title | Match this to summary_func |